
Lower-income S’poreans excel in financial planning, APAC millennials most resilient

Lower-income S’poreans excel in financial planning, APAC millennials most resilient

Singaporeans believe that being wealthy does not equate to having solid financial resilience, as high-income individuals are more likely to exceed their monthly budget than lower-income individuals (19% versus 22%).

Sun Life’s inaugural survey "Asia Financial Resilience Index," also found that lower-income respondents score better (60%) than those in the high-income category (52%) in being able to cover short-term financial obligations while saving for long-term.

Millennials are the most financially resilient generation in Singapore, with higher confidence in meeting long-term goals (75% vs 68%) and managing month-to-month finances (71% vs 67%) compared to older age groups. 

Despite this, only 44% of millennials have a financial plan beyond one year.

Kenn Lang'at

Passionate educator and journalist, inspiring minds and uncovering stories worldwide